Massage Therapy

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage Therapy is the manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues in the body using different pressures, techniques, and movements. This is performed by a licensed massage therapist. There are many different types of massage therapy, but all are incredibly beneficial.

Massage Therapy provides relief from many symptoms, including reducing pain, stress, tension, and anxiety, and lowering blood pressure. Massage Therapy can also help promote sleep and relaxation. While massage therapy focuses on relaxing muscles and relieving tension, chiropractic therapy focuses on realigning the spine and improving joint mobility.

Massage and chiropractic therapy are often used in conjunction to address musculoskeletal issues. Together, they can provide a comprehensive approach to treating pain and improving overall physical health.

Need a Chiropractor?

It's important to find a chiropractor who not only takes your wellness seriously but makes you feel comfortable and listens to your concerns. At Tranquil Radiance Spa, we trust and highly recommend Nordik Chiropractic, in Jupiter, Florida.

Nordik Chiropractic is the only Gonstead Chiropractor practice in the Jupiter area and one of only a handful in Florida.

Classic Swedish Massage

A customized blend of relaxing massage techniques personalized for the client's needs. Long, flowing, and connecting strokes loosen the body and ease the mind.

60-Minutes $96 | 90-Minutes $137
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Deep Tissue Massage

Experience relief from chronic tension or overexertion as more detailed and deep bodywork is provided to specific muscle groups. Involves medium to deep pressure.

60-Minutes $107 | 90-Minutes $149
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Structural Massage

A clinical blend of advanced bodywork, bringing you to the deepest level of fascial alignment. Including Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular, and/or Myoskeletal Alignment techniques. Ideal for pain dysfunctions and corrections within the body. May also include cupping therapy and or gua sha.

60-Minutes $119 | 90-Minutes $161
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CBD Therapeutic Massage

Relieve pain, and reduce inflammation and tension with plant-based compounds. Our "Clinical Therapeutic Massage" warms your muscles, leaving you feeling refreshed. Experience the gentle melting feeling, and your body and mind will thank you.

60-Minutes $137 | 90-Minutes $179

Stretch Therapy

Uses a variety of different professional stretching techniques. The therapist focuses on stretching major muscle groups which promote flexibility and a full range of motion in joints that are causing discomfort and poor postural alignment. *Client is asked to wear or bring loose-fitting or athletic clothing that allows mobility for easy bending at all joints*

30-Minutes $49 | 60-Minutes $84

Pink Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

Himalayan Salt Stone Massage uses warm salt crystal stones to soothe away stress and tension, and promote an increased sense of well-being. Its grounding properties help to improve sleep and balance the Central Nervous System. Your skin will feel more refreshed and lightly exfoliated by the glide from salt stones that are smooth and rounded..

60-Minutes $109 | 90-Minutes $154

Prenatal Massage

Customized, therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be. It enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, and relieves mental and physical fatigue. *MUST BE OUT OF FIRST TRIMESTER*

60-Minutes $107 | 90-Minutes $149

Body Revive Massage

Indulge in our body revival massage, including a customized 30-minute massage (medium to firm pressure) and a 30-minute spa reflexology session for your feet. You'll feel refreshed and rejuvenated after this ultimate relaxation experience.

60-Minutes $122

Couples Massage

A relaxing, gentle pressure, side-by-side massage with aromatherapy & warm towel finish. Perfect to relax, rejuvenate and unwind with a loved one or friend! *WHEN BOOKING COUPLES MASSAGE ONLINE, PLEASE RESERVE TWO SERVICE PROVIDERS*

60-Minutes $109 per person | 90-Minutes $138 per person

Total Tranquility Massage

Begin your relaxation journey with a timeless Classic Swedish Massage, followed by a delightful 10-minute Scalp Massage. Then, indulge in a soothing 15-minute Reflexology session for your feet. Finally, end your pampering experience with a comforting Back Scrub that will leave you feeling warm and refreshed.

90-Minutes $143


Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medical practice involving the application of pressure to specific points on the feet and/or hands. This treatment is said to induce a healing response, even alleviating some ailments.

30-Minutes $59 | 60-Minutes $96

M.L.D. Massage

An advanced form of massage that stimulates your lymphatic system to remove congestion and stagnation from the body resulting in overall health and well-being. *THIS SPECIALITY MASSAGE IS PERFORMED BY OUR CERTIFIED MLD/ONCOLOGY THERAPIST, HARMONY DERBY*

60-Minutes | $109
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Tension Tamer Massage

Experience tranquility with this balancing and restorative massage treatment, promoting relaxation, relieving muscle tension, and improving circulation. Finish with a back scrub and warm towel finish.
**This is a medium to firm pressure**

60-Minutes | $108

Maintenance Massage

A customized massage perfect for maintaining a certain problem area.

30-Minutes | $59


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